Video: Link Group shares learning and best practice with Irish housing association

Staff from Clúid Housing during their visit to Link
Link Group has hosted Ireland’s largest housing association for a two-day visit.
Irish housing charity Clúid Housing wanted to learn about a registered social landlord operating in Scotland. The connection was made through the Chartered Institute of Housing and it was an ideal pairing as both organisations are similarly sized.
During their visit last week, members of Clúid Housing viewed a mixed tenure development in City Park, Edinburgh as well as a mid-market development in Granton, Edinburgh; listened to presentations from Link’s front-line staff; and visited accommodation for retirees specifically designed for their needs.
They met also with Link’s Tenant Scrutiny Panel and heard about the ways the panel works to improve services for tenants and undertook training sessions together with young people delivered by Link Living staff.

David Mackenzie, managing director of Link Housing Association, said: “All registered social landlords have their own strengths but at Link we pride ourselves in our people. One of the key focuses we wanted to bring through within the visit from Clúid Housing was the voices of our staff teams. It was great to hear our staff share how much they like working for Link and how much they enjoy making a difference to people’s lives.”
Clúid Housing’s director of housing, Kathleen Cottier, added: “From the first moment we contacted Link there was a real willingness to have shared learning and an opportunity to meet and discuss some of the challenges and opportunities we face.”
She added that Clúid Housing senior officers and management welcomed the opportunity to take a step outside their organisation and reflect in order to enhance the development of their strategy.