Link Group to ‘Kickstart’ 37 careers for young people

Thirty-seven young people are to be provided jobs within Link Group as part of the UK Government’s £2 billion Kickstart scheme it was announced this week.
By being one of the first Scottish organisations to take part in Kickstart, which will create hundreds of thousands of new and fully subsidised jobs for young people, Link has bolstered its position as one of the country’s top employers and people-focused organisations.
Sarah Smith, Link’s Group director of communities, said: “As one of Scotland’s largest affordable housing, care and support providers, Link is uniquely positioned to reach communities throughout Scotland.
“Our geographic and service range enabled us to apply for 37 job placements through Kickstart and we are delighted to have been successful in achieving all of these.
“As a result, Link will be able to offer a variety of jobs from trainee support workers and digital engagement roles to posts in IT and HR, which will kickstart the careers of young people who would otherwise be left behind because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
She added: “Our partner, LinkLiving, has an excellent track record in supporting young people into training, volunteering and employment through our Link Academy and the team will be on hand to provide wrap around employability and personal development support to all of the 37 young people joining us.
“With all Link group partners represented in the scheme, it showcases how our group can truly make a difference to the country’s recovery from the economic ravages of COVID-19.”
The Kickstart scheme is subsidised, with the government paying 100% of the age-relevant national minimum wage, national insurance and employer minimum auto-enrolment pension contributions.
As a Scottish Living Wage employer, Link will enhance the standard payments offered through Kickstart for the 37 young people, aged 16-24, who will be given positions within Link.
The six-month placements are for a minimum of 25 hours per week and are open to people aged 16-24 who are claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. Young people will be referred into the new roles through their Jobcentre Plus work coach.
Ms Smith concluded: “We look forward to welcoming the young people into Link, where they will gain the skills they need to develop rewarding careers and contribute meaningfully to Scotland’s economic recovery.”