Link Housing staff take part in ideas to action training through The Lens

Twelve Link Housing colleagues recently took part in Ideas to Action training, delivered by talent development charity, The Lens, to devise innovative approaches to improving services for communities across Scotland.
During the immersive eight-week programme, participants were supported to develop community-focused ideas into ‘investment-ready’ propositions.
Link Housing managing director David Mackenzie was the main driving force in bringing The Lens to Link. He said: “Link knows frontline colleagues understand customers and their needs best, so no one is better placed to drive change and innovation.
“I knew our teams had loads of fantastic ideas, however, there wasn’t necessarily a system in place to get these over the line. This is where The Lens comes in and provides a rigorous guidance and support structure to make those ideas a reality. A huge well done to everyone who took part.”
At the end of the journey, ideas were presented to senior Link colleagues and board members, including Link Group CEO Jon Turner and Link Group Director of Communities Sarah Smith, during an investment event.
In the post-programme evaluation report, a participant noted: “This came at a time when I needed a confidence boost. I felt challenged and supported throughout, definitely out of my comfort zone. I don’t think I will ever forget how I felt on pitch day; rattling with nerves before the presentation and absolutely buzzing afterwards.
“I am amazed at how far I have come. All very much helped and supported by The Lens team who gave sound advice, kept our nerves to a manageable level, and showed genuine interest and pleasure in our journey.”
The primary aim of The Lens is to create intrapreneurs: individuals who create innovative ideas within an organisation.
The Lens CEO Steve McCreadie, commented: “Everyone who participated showed outstanding commitment, passion, determination, and teamwork – a credit to the ethos of Link Housing.
“The final pitches presented at the Investment Event evidenced the effort that was put in.”