Linlithgow pensioner pens charity joke book
An 84-year-old West Lothian man is proving that being funny really can help raise money by releasing a charity joke book.

Bill Townley
Bill Townley, who lives at Bield’s Brae Court in Linlithgow, has decided to put his wit to good use by writing ‘You Can’t Beat a Good Laugh’ in aid of Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS).
The former watchmaker – who previously volunteered with the health charity – decided to put pen to paper around four months ago, compiling 195 different jokes in the process.
Bill said: “I’ve been telling jokes my whole life and really enjoy making people laugh. The book is a collection of some of these stories and lines.
“Writing the book has been therapeutic and kept me busy. When you retire it’s nice to have something you really enjoy to fill your time.
“I had 250 books published in the first batch and only have 100 left. It’s great to see the book selling so quickly, and people having a good laugh when they read it. Life’s too short to take seriously.
“Hopefully it continues to be popular and we can raise some more money for CHSS and support the fantastic work they do.”

With such a variety and selection of material to work with, Bill has already started compiling his next book in a bid to raise even more money for CHSS.
Rena Kirton-Vaughan, retirement housing manager at Bield’s Brae Court, said: “Bill enjoys entertaining staff and tenants with a daily joke. He gets a real kick out of making us all laugh and has us regularly in stitches.
“The book is a collection of his best lines and hopefully will help raise money for a very good cause.”
‘You Can’t Beat a Good Laugh’ is available from a variety of local shops on Linlithgow’s high street, including the post office.
Priced at £7.50, proceeds from the book will go to CHSS - supporting people and their families across Scotland with chest, heart and stroke conditions.