Lister Housing Co-operative director Alistair Cant to retire
Alistair Cant
Alistair Cant, the long-serving director of Lister Housing Co-operative in central Edinburgh, has announced his retiral, which will take place later on this year.
He has been at Lister for 32 and a half years and has been a constant part of the success of Lister, the first registered housing co-op in Scotland.
Before that, Mr Cant worked in local authorities housing in England - in Walsall, in Leeds and then in Kirklees, West Yorkshire. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Housing having originally become a member of the CIH through a NALGO correspondence course. In those days, Alistair said, Zoom was an ice lolly.
Highlights at Lister include several ground-breaking energy conservation and renewable energy projects; promoting good financial governance including the paying off of both loans on Lister’s properties; helping on an SFHA working group that produced the major repairs sinking fund guidance; and working on a domestic abuse working party in Edinburgh.
Jennifer McCuaig, chair of Lister’s management committee, said: “Alistair has served the management committee and tenants for a long long time with dedication and skill. His warm manner and expert advice have been a great help as well as his role leading the team at the Lister office.”
Alistair Cant added: “I shall miss my day-to-day contact with the committee members, staff and tenants, never mind these wonderful old buildings. After 30 years of winging-it I have finally realised a couple of years ago that I can do the job well, only now to find the age of 65 has crept up on me unexpectedly. I wish the co-op a long and successful future.”
Lister will be advertising shortly for his replacement having completed the normal options appraisal process.