Local employment opportunities offered at Cassiltoun development
A new Cassiltoun Housing Association development of 42 homes has provided employment opportunities for five local people thanks to its work with Cruden Building and Renewals Ltd.
The five local people who have gained employment alongside Cassiltoun Housing Association chairperson Anna Stuart MBE, director of operations Fiona McGowan and clerk of works Jim Doherty Clerk of Works as well as Cruden site manager Neil Smith and general foreman Chris Mangan
Whilst working on the Association’s Barlia 3 development, two local apprentices completed their time and are being kept on, while a further local person has just been employed to begin their apprenticeship earlier this month.
Two more locals were successful in their applications for general labourer positions after the posts were advertised through Cassiltoun Housing Association.
In addition to these posts, another local person gained employment as a cleaner for the site.
Cassiltoun Housing Association chairperson, Anna Stuart MBE, said: “I am delighted that our new build programme is having a positive effect on the local economy through our partner Cruden providing real jobs for local people and the additional economic activity with the workforce using the local shops and businesses. This kind of investment makes a real difference in people’s lives.”