Local procurement supported by Grampian Housing Association

More than 85% of Grampian Housing Association’s annual procurement spend in 2020/21 went to local suppliers and contractors in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, its new annual procurement report has highlighted.
Of the remaining spend, the most significant amounts were for national companies/consultants/software providers where local options are more limited.
The Association encourages potential suppliers and contractors to register with Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and to take part in the Supplier Development Programme to ensure they are fully aware of contract requirements and they are supported to submit the best possible tender.
Demonstrating its commitment to ensuring that procurement is transparent, Grampian said its objective is to use PCS for all regulated and non-regulated contracts each financial year.
Last year the Association’s procurement was the subject of an internal audit exercise. Among the recommendations implemented were the inclusion of a Modern Slavery Statement in the Association’s procurement strategy and policy and work with existing and prospective suppliers/contractors with a view to ensuring that the real living wage is paid to all their employees. Training was also provided to the leadership team to ensure a consistent approach for procurement is embedded throughout the organisation.
Since March 2015, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has worked in collaboration with the Scottish Procurement Alliance to deliver a procurement advisory service for RSLs across Scotland. This followed the introduction of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 which resulted in major changes in public procurement. This has had a significant impact on how housing associations conduct their procurement activity. The Association said it is also open to exchanging good practice with local authorities and local housing associations.
Grampian Housing Association advertises all tender opportunities on Public Contracts Scotland, the national advertising portal for the Scottish public sector to advertise contract opportunities and public contract awards.