Area Place Plan approved for Lochaber

A robust yet dynamic Lochaber Area Place Plan (APP) was agreed this week by the Highland Council.
The plan clearly outlines the aspirations expressed by the communities within its boundaries, many of which link across to proposed or potential actions contained as part of FW2040 and wider Highland plans such as the Highland Investment Plan, Highland Local Development Plan, Highland Outcome Improvement Plan and the Strategic Housing Investment Plan.
The Lochaber APP highlights the need for improved health and wellbeing services and facilities including both care and mental health; suitable and affordable housing; empowering young people and expanding access to diverse and inclusive activities; better provision of public transport and infrastructure; tourism management; fostering economic growth and a strong, skilled workforce.
Lochaber Area Committee vice chair, Councillor John Grafton, said: “Area Place Plans (APP) are important for Lochaber as they are community-led plans, offering the opportunity to shape the vision, ambition and key priorities for both people and place across Lochaber. They help to target resources, service delivery and with clear area specific plans, assist in attracting investment.
“The Lochaber APP is a dynamic and fluid plan that will evolve over time, as sub-regional Area Place Plans are still to be added, whilst Action Plans for some priorities are already being developed. Ensuring a clear vision is captured that reflect the community aspirations for their area.”
The Plans will help The Highland Council, partners, and communities to leverage funding by evidencing the impact of every pound spent and the actions associated will provide clarity and manage expectation around how and where resources are prioritised. They will also provide a stronger framework for communities to prepare plans for their own community, empowering them to drive and deliver change.
Community engagement will build a shared understanding of how ‘Place’ underpins development, service delivery and how organisations and communities work together. These plans will be a future guide to get the best impact for people living in an area, based on a shared understanding of local need.