Maryhill Housing lets zombies on the loose
Residents’ associations in Maryhill were supported by Maryhill Housing to host two spook-tacular Halloween events at the end of October.
The first took place at Ledgowan Hall in Maryhill and was organised by the “Mini-Multis” Residents’ Association and was followed the next evening by similar scary antics at the Maryhill Locks housing development organised by the Valley and Locks Residents’ Association.
Many youngsters and some grown ups got into the spirit of things by dressing up. Zombies, skeletons, princesses, Ninja turtles, werewolves and even a dog dressed as Superman helped make both evenings a great success.
A highlight was undoubtedly the “Zombie Walk”, where actors and student actors – hired for the occasion - posed as the blood-thirsty walking dead and scared the living daylights out of people.
Jamie Ballantine of Maryhill Housing said: “Both events were great fun and couldn’t have happened without the hard work of the residents’ associations. We applaud the efforts they made to make sure everyone had fun. The housing association is pleased to be supporting both organisations.”