Midlothian approves draft programme to deliver local development plan

Midlothian councillors have approved the draft Delivery Programme for the Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 (MLDP) public consultation.
The MLDP is the current development strategy for Midlothian and it allocates sites for development, identifies places to be protected, and sets out the policies that will be used when deciding planning applications.
It also helps to guide the location and form of development in a manner consistent with the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4.
The draft Delivery Programme covers the period from 2025-2027 and identifies actions and commitments necessary to deliver the strategy of the current MLDP which covers residential, commercial and infrastructure developments.
A public consultation on the draft Delivery Programme will shortly be launched in early 2025 for a minimum six-week period. Once the consultation is launched, Midlothian residents and stakeholders will be able to respond online via the council’s consultation hub. Printed copies will also be available in libraries.
Following the consultation period and review of responses, it is expected that a final version of the Delivery Programme will be reported to Full Council in 2025.
This draft delivery programme relates to the current adopted MLDP (2017). Midlothian Local Development Plan 2 (MLDP2) will shape the development and use of land in the area from 2026 to 2036.
While the current MLDP (2017) is programmed to be replaced at the end of 2026 by MLDP2, MLDP (2017) is still the adopted local development plan for Midlothian until it is superseded.