Midlothian Council to launch allocations survey

Tenants and those on the waiting list are among groups that will be asked for their views on how Midlothian Council allocates council housing.
At the full council meeting on Tuesday, councillors approved a recommendation to consult tenants’ groups and other stakeholders.
The consultation will be launched in the winter and a full report on the outcome will be considered by councillors in March.
What local people tell the council will help shape the Housing Allocation Policy, which was last reviewed in 2019.
The policy is normally reviewed every two years, but this was delayed because of the pandemic.
Key changes after the last revision include encouraging homeless people to choose as many letting areas as possible and making sure all applicants discharged from the armed forces are assessed under the terms of the Homelessness ( Scotland) Act 2003.
Midlothian Council’s cabinet member for housing, Cllr Stuart McKenzie, said: “It is important that the Housing Allocations Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure it is responding to changing needs. Prior to agreement on any changes to the policy, it is a requirement we consult with tenants, housing applicants and other stakeholders and report on the outcome. I would urge all tenants and applicants to participate in this consultation when it is launched.”