Momentum builds for Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit

Momentum builds for Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit

Housing associations, councils and campaigning organisations for the elderly and disabled are signing up for September’s Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit organised by Horizon Housing and Scottish Housing News and supported by headline sponsor Campion Homes.

Organisations sending delegates to the event, which will be opened by Scottish Housing Minister Paul McLennan on September 26th at the V&A in Dundee include Blackwood, Eildon Housing, Caledonia Housing Association, Hillcrest, Berwickshire Housing Association, West Lothian Council, Scottish Borders Housing Association, West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Housing Options Scotland, Lindsays, Tenants Together, Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living, Scottish Autism and MND Scotland.

Momentum builds for Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit

The final panel of speakers has now been confirmed and includes:

  • Donna Bell, director of social care and National Care Service Development for the Scottish Government
  • Katherine Crawford, chief executive, Age Scotland
  • Jeremy Porteus, chief executive, The Housing Learning and Improvement Network
  • Jacquie Pepper, chief officer, Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership
  • Susan Campbell, director of place, Scottish National Investment Bank
  • Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, first permanent wheelchair user elected to the Scottish Parliament & deputy convener of Cross-Party Group on Disability
  • Lucy Fraser, head of innovation, Albyn Housing
  • Olga Clayton, interim head of housing & construction, Dundee City Council
  • Rowena Statt, research & development director, Anderson Bell & Christie
  • Dr Cate Pemble, DesHCA (Designing homes for healthy cognitive ageing) Stirling University
  • Dougie Herd, joint managing director, Campion Homes
  • Laura Wood, director & founder, Invisible Creations

SHN editor Kieran Findlay said: “This promises to be an important and memorable event. As Scotland’s population ages and the demand for independent living increases, the challenges to the social housing sector are many and diverse. Places for this event are limited and we would urge organisations to promptly book their place for this day-long event which includes lunch in the iconic V&A building on the banks of the Tay.”

For more information, click here.

Tickets are available directly from Scottish Housing News (contact to be invoiced for £145 + VAT) or alternatively book via Eventbrite for £175 + booking fee.

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