Moray consults on updated developer obligation guidance

Moray Council is seeking views on its updated Developer Obligation Supplementary Guidance.
Developer obligations are financial contributions developers pay to mitigate the effect of their development on public services, for example schools, medical practices, and transport improvements. It’s in place to prevent existing infrastructure being negatively impacted by new development.
The review of the Supplementary Guidance focuses on updating rates for the current mitigation measures and procedures relating to Education, Healthcare, Transportation, and Sports. Provision has also been made for contributions towards Community and Recreational Facilities, Renewable Energy Developments, Public Realm, Public Art, City and Town Centres.
The full updated guidance can be found online and hard copies are available for viewing at Moray Council Access Points and all Moray Council Public Libraries, during normal opening hours.
A summary of the representations received to the consultation and a response to these along with the final supplementary guidance will be presented to a future meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Services Committee for consideration and approval.
Chair of Planning and Regulatory Services Committee, Cllr David Gordon, said: “The current Developer Obligation has been in place since 2020. This review is to provide developers with clear requirements to ensure the infrastructure of our towns don’t come under pressure by increased housing.
“I would encourage everyone to get involved and share your opinions on the updated supplementary guidance.”