More councils confirm cuts and tax rises in 2017/18 Budgets
More Scottish councils have revealed their tax and spending proposals for 2017/18, with Edinburgh, East Renfrewshire, Highlands, Borders and Aberdeenshire councils announcing council tax rises.
Aberdeenshire Council has approved a 2.5 per cent rise, while the other councils have opted for a slightly larger 3 per cent increase.
City of Edinburgh Council said it had received feedback showing the public to be generally in favour of a rise in council tax - the first in nine years - to enable the preservation of essential services.
During 2017/18, City of Edinburgh Council will deliver several key projects, including beginning construction on an additional school in South Edinburgh and a new Meadowbank sports centre, as well as increasing spending on roads and pavements.
Councillor Bill Cook, Vice-Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “It’s no secret that it’s a challenging time for the Council, as with local authorities across the country, but I’m pleased that thanks to prudent financial management we have been able to successfully set the budget while continuing to look out for citizens’ best interests.”
Meanwhile, Clackmannanshire Council has announced that statutory compulsory redundancy measures may be used to meet the “pressures and challenges” facing the council’s budget.
Council Leader Bobby McGill said: “Today’s report to Council clearly states how extremely serious our financial situation is; so radical measures have had to be considered. Compulsory redundancies will only be used as a last resort once all alternatives have been explored and exhausted. Today’s decision will allow us to move forward, redesigning Council services around our communities’ priorities.”