MSPs to carry out inquiry into future of social care
The future delivery of social care in Scotland and the changes needed to meet current and increasing future demand are the subject of a new Scottish Parliament inquiry.

The Parliament’s health and sport committee is seeking input from those who have received or provide social care in Scotland, as well as organisations who deliver social care. They are keen to hear about people’s experiences of social care, what an ideal model of care looks like and how to ensure the service is centred upon each individual’s needs.
They also want to explore how social care could be setup so that there is equitable access and quality of services across Scotland.
Lewis Macdonald MSP, convener of the health and sport committee, said: “This inquiry comes at a critical time of unprecedented demand on our social care services and we want to make sure that the future delivery of social care is able to meet these demands fully.
“The committee want to hear from those who provide or have received social care as they will be best placed to inform us of changes needed. We want to ensure care provided is person-centred and of the highest possible standard.
“It is essential that anyone experiencing social care receives the best possible care regardless of where they live in Scotland and we look forward to hearing people’s views from across the country.”
The committee is seeking responses from the public, and in particular, invites individuals with lived experience of receiving adult social care and carers to share their stories and experiences.
The committee is also seeking responses from organisations on the following four questions:
- How should the public be involved in planning their own and their community’s social care services?
- How should Integration Authorities commission and procure social care to ensure it is person-centred?
- Looking ahead what are the essential elements in an ideal model of social care (e.g. workforce, technology, housing etc.)?
- What needs to happen to ensure the equitable provision of social care across the country?
You can give the committee your views here.
The deadline for responses is Thursday 20 February 2020.