New app to help get Falkirk housing repairs done fairly and quickly

A new app designed to help tenement flat owners repair and maintain the common areas of their block has been launched in Falkirk.
Novoville Shared Repairs is a mobile application that aims to reduce the difficulties that can be experienced by homeowners when arranging common repairs by guiding them through the whole process.
The application allows owners to create a virtual tenement, allowing one or all owners to work through the various legislative steps required to arrange a common repair.
Owners can create and issue standard letters (electronic or paper), identify and agree to repairs, appoint a contractor, collect payment from other owners, instruct and pay a contractor for work done.
Homeowners who arrange and pay for repairs, through the app, will pay, as a block, currently a 2% fee plus VAT on top of the cost of the repair.
The app will link in with the Falkirk Council-backed ‘Buy with Confidence’ scheme, offering protections to residents. The e-account provider within the app, is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
This is an enhanced provision for people who do not live in blocks where Falkirk Council is the majority owner, in blocks where Falkirk Council is the majority owner these repairs will continue to be arranged by Housing Services in the usual way.
The Novoville Shared Repairs has over 1,000 tenements signed up in Scotland, which represents approximately 10,000 individual homes.
Falkirk is now the sixth local authority to work in close collaboration with Novoville to bring the app to its residents.
Where appropriate, the app will help residents access Falkirk Council’s Private Housing services, such as the Private Sector Team, which manages the Scheme of Assistance and Landlord Registration, and the Mixed Tenure Team, where repairs are shared with Falkirk Council-owned properties.
Councillor Gary Bouse, Falkirk Council’s spokesperson for Housing and Communities, explained: “The app will give users a chance to ensure that everyone pays their share for communal work being carried out in their properties safely and easily.”
“It can also help build better relationships amongst property owners as they will have a shared interest in maintaining their building.”
The app was developed by the City of Edinburgh Council and Novoville as part of the Scottish Government’s CivTech Innovation Programme.
Louis Daillencourt, designer and manager of Novoville Shared Repairs, said: “It is fantastic to have had the chance to work with Falkirk Council, who have been following the progress of our rollout in Scotland closely for some time.
“There are over 22,000 flats in Falkirk, and even more homes which belong in legal tenements (even if they’re not in a block of flats per se), such as “four-in-a-block”.
“We are really happy to get the chance to serve the Falkirk residents and give them access to the same tool which has proven its worth in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and other Scottish cities.”
The app is free to download from both the App Store and Google Play, with a small fee of 2% plus VAT (at the time of writing) chargeable upon the completion of a successful repair or maintenance project.