New council research reveals green shoots for house building in Fife
Fife’s house building industry is finally showing signs of leaving behind the economic downturn and recession of 2008, according to new research.
The Fife Housing Survey, undertaken in April 2017 by Fife Council, reveals that 1,285 new homes were built 2016-17, an increase of 43% on the previous year.
This is the first year since the recession that over 1,200 new build homes have been completed.
The new accommodation built is split fairly evenly between the council/housing associations at 48%, and the private sector at 52%. 70% of new build completions were houses, and 30% flats.
Land use was also fairly even, with 51% of new homes built on greenfield land and 49% on brownfield (previously used) land.
Robin Presswood, Fife Council’s head of economy, planning and employability services, said: “I am greatly encouraged by the performance of the house building industry this year. Although the production of new homes is some way away from pre-recession levels, the corner has been turned and we are working hard to nurture and sustain this growth.
“Immediately developable land is available for around four years’ building at the current rates. Fife Council is committed to accelerating the production of new homes to bolster the economy and to bring land in the Local Development Plan forward for development to further increase housing production.”
The Central Fife area seen the biggest increase 2016-17, with 270 more homes built here than in the previous year, and a total of 465 completions. The Dunfermline and West Fife area seen a total of 573 completions, maintaining its position as Fife’s most productive area for new housing over the last decade.
John Mills, Fife Council’s head of housing services, said: “Fife has a very effective and productive Affordable Housing Programme. The council and the Fife Housing Association Alliance have delivered 2,700 new homes for rent since 2012, offering a range of quality new housing to help meet the needs of local people.”
At Fife Council’s executive committee in January 2017, councillors unanimously approved plans to build a further 2,800 new affordable homes in Fife over the next five years. There is scope to boost this number to 3,500.
The Fife Strategic Housing Investment Plan for 2017-22 will guide the development of new social housing at various towns and villages across the Kingdom. These plans build on the very strong foundation now established.