New free programme aims to help promote tenant participation across Scotland

A new programme funded by the Scottish Government has been launched to support tenants and landlords with tenant participation.
The free Next Steps programme is aimed at housing organisations across Scotland and will help tenants and landlords review current tenant participation and scrutiny practice and develop a meaningful and bespoke action plan for the future.
Delivered by TPAS and TIS, the programme will be tailored to fit the needs of each organisation.
The six-day programme comprises of a series of workshop sessions which focus on supporting staff, tenants and other customers to step up and embed participation and scrutiny activities into the organisation’s culture and practice.
Lesley Baird, chief executive at TPAS Scotland, said: “I am excited about the launch of the Next Steps programme. I am looking forward to working with landlords and tenants on this exciting project to develop new partnerships between tenants and landlords to improve engagement and services.”
Ilene Campbell, chief executive at TIS, added: “I am delighted to be launching this new and innovative programme to support the sector to develop effective participation and scrutiny practice to meet the needs of our diverse communities.”