New homes planned on Leslie estate
New plans have been unveiled to build 45 new affordable homes on land currently owned by Kingdom Housing Association in Leslie, Fife.

Working in partnership with Campion Homes, Kingdom plans to develop an area of land to the west of Leslie Cemetery.
The proposals will be for the provision of up to 45 new high quality affordable homes for social rent built to high energy efficiency standards together with an area of open space and landscape treatment on the north part of the site.
A mix of single and two-storey amenity and family homes are proposed, details of which will be confirmed in due course.
As part of a community consultation, an online Q&A session is to be held on June 24 between 6.30pm and 8.00pm.

Notice boards will also be placed in the Leslie area by June 14.
The Development team at Kingdom Housing Association told Scottish Housing News: “Kingdom acquired this site through funding support from the Scottish Government and is delighted to be developing proposals to provide sustainable homes to meet a range of identified housing needs along with an area of quality green open space to help provide a positive transition between the new homes and the wider countryside.
“The Association is keen to engage with the community to hear their views on the proposals and to get their input on potential uses for the open space therefore an online community consultation event has been arranged for 24 June 2021.”
Further details on the project and event can be found here.