New initiative launched to build green skills for the future

Today marks the launch of Warmstart, a platform for young people who are seeking long-term employment and training opportunities in the energy efficiency and renewable technology industry.
Launched by Warmworks Scotland, Warmstart sees the Edinburgh-based company renewing its commitment to Scotland’s young people and communities. Warmstart aims to create a robust workforce that attracts and retains young people; creating a sustainable pipeline of talent that will support Scotland’s supply chain to meet increasing demand.
Warmworks is the managing agent of the Scottish Government’s national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland and has extensive experience in providing opportunities for young people to develop their skill sets, having supported over 130 apprenticeships and almost 2,000 training opportunities across the industry over the last five years.
The first initiative under Warmstart will aim to create 15 opportunities for young people within Warmworks and throughout the supply chain. Utilising the Kickstart scheme, and working alongside The Wise Group, Warmstart will provide bespoke support to young people to strengthen their career prospects.
Ross Armstrong, Warmworks’ managing director, said: “As Scotland moves towards a low carbon future, it’s vital that we provide our young people with the skills and the right environment to maximise the opportunities ahead. I am delighted to launch Warmstart and to build on our work to date in ensuring that the path to net-zero is supported by a high-quality, local supply chain that is fit for the future.”
With the full impact of the pandemic yet to be felt, and a climate emergency already declared, working to strengthen the skills of Scotland’s young people has never been more important.
The Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan recently highlighted that over 79,000 construction workers will be needed to make up the current labour and skills shortages to meet net-zero targets.
Warmstart aims to be part of the solution; seizing the chance to make a real and lasting difference to homes, communities and the creation of a growing green workforce across Scotland.