New property management portal aims to revolutionise lettings industry
A new property management portal is to be launched which aims to revolutionise the lettings industry by establishing new standards of transparency, fairness, and convenience for the benefit of both landlords and tenants.
The bespoke portal, entitled apropos, has been designed and built by property management company DJ Alexander Ltd.

David Alexander
Set to launch in the second quarter of 2019, apropos utilises cutting edge technology combined with a network of committed, local property experts providing the face-to-face client connections.
Joint managing directors David and John Alexander explained: “The number of properties in the Private Rental Sector (PRS) has more than doubled in the last fifteen years and now accounts for over 20% of all housing stock in the UK, around 5.5m households. Across the UK millions of people rely on or contribute to the PRS yet the current process often leaves many feeling let down.
“With over 40 years of experience in the market we fully understand the frustrations of both landlords and tenants. Over the last two years we have completely re-engineered the property management process. We firmly believe with apropos we can deliver a vastly improved level of service that will reassure landlords and ultimately make tenants feel more comfortable and secure in their homes.”
This growth in the PRS has led to a significant increase in the number of small property management companies. With no barrier to entry, and little regulation there are now over 10,000 property management companies throughout the UK and it is widely recognised that the level of service varies enormously.
David said: “Our new platform uses a standardised system to ensure that no matter where in the UK the service is delivered, the experience and ease of use remains the same. Apropos will provide 24-hour access for tenants and landlords to input and access data. Both tenant and landlord can view all relevant information and monitor responses and actions directly. This ensures that all participants know exactly what is going on at any time.”
John added: “Too often the current system feels adversarial but with apropos we have built a system based on mutual respect, where everyone is required to contribute at the appropriate points for the benefit of the tenancy as a whole and improving the experience for all parties.
“The platform provides a transparent, immediate, and convenient means for the landlord, tenant, and agent to confirm that all parties are contributing appropriately tor the tenancy. This will give landlords the reassurance that they are providing an exceptional service and give tenants the security and transparency they require from the provider of what is, after all, their home.”
Apropos is set to launch in a select number of cities and thereafter the plan is to roll out the service throughout the rest of the UK.