New Town townhouses to be reinstated to residential use
Four A-listed New Town townhouses formerly used as the offices of law firm Brodies may return to residential use under newly submitted plans by CDA Architects.

Providing 34 apartments in total, the proposed development at 14-17 Atholl Crescent comprises a residential conversion of the front buildings and the rear mews building.
The four front buildings will be separated with a stairwell reinstated within No 15 and the front entrance reinstated at No 16. The accommodation will be sensitively converted to provide 23 apartments including two duplex units. The existing link building will be demolished. The mews building will be converted to provide nine apartments and two 4-storey townhouses.
An Affordable Housing Statement has concluded that on-site delivery of affordable housing is not viable due to high renovation costs and the lack of opportunity for an entire stair or building to be allocated.
In a design statement, CDA wrote: “The major works to the existing rear elevation of the townhouses will see the removal of an existing link bridge structure connecting the townhouses with the mews building. The removal of this structure will necessitate the reinstatement of stonework and the forming of new window openings to the rear facade. At lower ground floor level existing openings are proposed to be enlarged to allow for the installation of external doors providing access to the proposed duplex private gardens.”