New travelling exhibition seeks Scottish people’s views on housing
The new Present Voices - Future Lives travelling exhibition will reach 12 locations across Scotland to hear directly from local communities on how they think our homes and communities should look and feel in the future.

The exhibition and engagement programme has been commissioned by the Scottish Government with the support of Architecture and Design Scotland.
It will kick off in Inverness on 4 November, before touring across the country over two months.
The interactive exhibition – curated and designed by the University of Edinburgh’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), award-winning Scottish architects Collective Architecture and Peak15 Design, together with Chris Leslie and Sandy Halliday, the exhibition is accessible to people of all ages and will predominantly be on show in local schools and community buildings.
Accompanying the exhibition are facilitated workshop sessions, designed to hear from a range of voices.
The Scottish Government has committed to planning together with stakeholders on how Scottish homes should look and feel by 2040 and the options and choices to get there.
The exhibition aims to support the Scottish Government’s wider engagement on the Housing to 2040 vision and route map.
The views collected through the consultation and the travelling exhibition will help to inform the Scottish Government’s final vision and route map for housing over the next 20 years, which it is aiming to publish in spring 2020.
Communities secretary Aileen Campbell said: “Housing has a vital role to play in meeting many of our aspirations for Scotland, including eradicating child poverty and homelessness, ending fuel poverty and tackling the climate emergency.
“Now is the time for us to come together to shape a resilient housing system which works for us all, and addresses these challenges. To do that, we need to work with and listen to people from all areas of Scotland.
“This exhibition is an opportunity to get the views of school children and local communities across the country on the future of housing. I look forward to hearing directly from people about what’s important for them and future generations so that we can create a shared vision and a plan for 2040 that will stand the test of time.”