ng homes given ‘non-compliant’ status amid lift safety investigations
![ng homes given 'non-compliant' status amid lift safety investigations](
The Scottish Housing Regulator has given ng homes a ‘non-compliant’ regulatory status as the landlord conducts investigations into lift safety inspections.
The Regulator has been engaging with ng homes since October about serious failings in its handling of lift safety inspections. Later in the year the landlord, which is registered as North Glasgow Housing Association, said it completed all lift inspection repairs and put an interim process in place to ensure that all lift inspections are appropriately actioned. It has also commissioned expert advice and investigations into the reasons for the failures.
While these investigations were ongoing, the Regulator put ng homes’ regulatory status under review and asked the landlord to provide the findings from the investigations, information about its interim lift inspection processes and information regarding its compliance with regulatory requirements in relation to tenant and resident safety.
When the information was shared in February, the Regulator said it identified that ng homes was non-compliant with meeting its legal duties relating to health and safety, specifically in relation to lift safety. The landlord’s assurance processes did not identify these serious weaknesses, some of which were longstanding, the Regulator added.
In an engagement plan for ng homes, the Regulator said: “Our assessment is therefore that North Glasgow does not comply with regulatory requirements. A social landlord is required to have assurance and evidence that it is meeting all of its legal obligations associated with tenant and resident safety. Regulatory Standard one further requires that a social landlord complies with its legal obligations.
“We also have concerns about its compliance with Regulatory Standard four in relation to the governing body ensuring it receives information on all of the areas relevant to its consideration and having effective risk management and assurance processes in place.
“North Glasgow is working constructively and openly with us as it takes forward improvements.
“North Glasgow is developing a revised governance and improvement plan setting out how it intends to address the issues identified and achieve compliance with regulatory requirements including the Standards.
“We will therefore continue to seek further assurance from North Glasgow about its governance and improvement plan.”
An ng homes spokesperson told Scottish Housing News: “Tenant and resident safety is of paramount importance to North Glasgow Housing Association. We have been engaging openly and constructively with the Scottish Housing Regulator, taking immediate action to address concerns and we will continue to work closely with the Scottish Housing Regulator in relation to the updated engagement plan.”