ng homes to host community networking breakfast

Join ng homes for its August Community Networking Breakfast on Friday 30 August, bringing together people and organisations in North Glasgow.
ng homes’ Community Networking Breakfasts have brought together a diverse range of people and organisations helping to build community connections and continue to move from strength to strength.
The ‘breakfasts’, held the last Friday of each month, see many groups attend regularly to share information, resources and establish new partnerships for the benefit of the community.
The Community Networking Breakfasts consist of:
- A ‘Speakers Corner’, where organisations share what they do. These have ranged from the Wise Group to the Glasgow Baby Food Bank, Dekko Comics, Possobilities and many more
- organisations and groups frequently use this time to share the latest information including campaigns, activities as well as offers of and requests for support.
- A chance to ask questions and network - time to mingle, network and make those all-important contacts and partnerships.
- A ‘marketplace’ - a chance to share and swap resources and contact details as well as leaflets, newsletters and more.
The next community breakfast will be held Friday 30 August in Saracen House (139 Saracen Street, Possilpark) from 10am – 12noon.