NHS Education for Scotland to empower housing leaders with a digital mindset

NHS Education for Scotland to empower housing leaders with a digital mindset

NHS Education for Scotland is to offer fully funded Digital Mindset sessions tailored specifically for senior leaders and board members in the housing and care sectors.

The sessions are designed to build the confidence and knowledge required to lead and support the transformation of services.

The sessions emphasise that digital transformation is about more than just technology—it’s about putting people at the centre of service design and fostering a culture where leaders can inform, question, and challenge through a digital lens. This approach aims to reshape future systems and drive meaningful improvements for service users, whilst investing in the future workforce.

Recent participant Stuart Green, director of finance and digital improvement at Ark Housing, described the impact of the sessions: “Like a lot of organisations across the housing and care sectors, at Ark, we have identified digital transformation as a key strategic objective. The Digital Mindset sessions for board members and leaders emphasised how digital transformation goes wider than typical system replacement projects or making existing processes ‘digital,’ but considers the needs of users, both staff and our customers, for transformation to be a success.

“I would encourage senior leaders, particularly those without a digital or technical background, to attend, so they too can support the digital transformation agenda within their own organisation.”

These sessions provide an invaluable opportunity for leaders to understand how they can drive digital change effectively. By focusing on the principles of service design and developing a digital mindset, leaders will be better equipped to support their organisations through today’s challenges and into the future.

For more details visit NHS Education for Scotland’s Leading in the Digital Age site.

You can also find further national resources and learning networks that support digital skills and digital leadership development across the housing and social care on the Digitally Enabled Workforce site or contact the team at nes.dew@nhs.scot.

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