No changes to Annual Return on the Charter indicators, Regulator confirms

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has written to all social landlords to confirm that there will be no change to ARC (Annual Return on the Charter) indicators following the publication of the updated Scottish Social Housing Charter by the Scottish Government.
Last week, the Scottish Government published an updated Scottish Social Housing Charter, which took effect from 1 November 2022.
In its role of monitoring social landlords’ performance against the Charter, the Regulator requires landlords to submit an ARC, the indicators for which are set in consultation with stakeholders to reflect the standards and outcomes of the Charter.
Given that there “very limited” changes to the updated Charter, SHR said it is “satisfied that the current ARC indicators in place are still appropriate, and so do not propose adding or amending any indicators”.
The Regulator added: “As we have previously advised, and as explained in the interim guidance for EESSH2, we have paused the collection of data on EESSH until after the conclusion of the Scottish Government’s review of EESSH2. This means that indicators C10 (percentage homes meeting EESSH) and C11 (anticipated exemptions from EESSH) will not be collected for 2022/23 and 2023/24.”