Nominations open for 10th Scottish Empty Homes Awards

Nominations are now open for the 10th Scottish Empty Homes Awards.
Over the past ten years, the awards have showcased the inspiring work of individuals and organisations who have made exemplary contributions to the field of private sector empty homes work in Scotland.
This year’s awards include a new category to celebrate the work and expertise of private contractors, merchants and service providers in bringing back empty homes.
There has been a record number of empty homes brought into use over the past year and the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership is excited about seeing the new entries for this year’s awards.
All those involved in bringing back empty homes, including local authority employees, landlords, neighbours, contractors and real estate agents, are invited to nominate outstanding project/s or individuals.
This year’s four award categories are:
- Outstanding Empty Homes Officer – for an individual EHO or other local authority employee who has contributed the most to bringing empty homes back in to use.
- Best Empty Homes partnership – for a partner organisation or team who has made an outstanding contribution to reducing the number of empty homes.
- Best Merchant, contractor or service – for a company or individual (e.g. builder, contractor, architect or real estate agent) who has gone above and beyond to bring empty homes back in to use.
- Best Long-term empty homes restoration project – for the best long-term empty property brought back in to use.
Entries will be accepted until Friday 8 January 2021, with the winners being announced on Tuesday 2 February 2021 at the 10th Scottish Empty Homes Conference.
Nomination forms can be completed at the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership website.