Nominations open for TPAS Scotland National Good Practice Awards
The TPAS Scotland National Good Practice Awards are back again for 2024, and this year there are five brand new categories.
The awards, which run annually, recognise outstanding achievements by organisations, groups and individuals across community groups and the social housing sector in Scotland. The deadline for entries is 12 noon on the 6th May and application forms can be downloaded from the TPAS Scotland website.
The nine categories in this year’s awards include…
New Award for 2024: Involving Tenants in shaping or scrutinising services
- This award will be made to a registered social landlord and/or tenant-led group who has successfully involved tenants or residents in shaping or scrutinising services, for example designing new services, identifying service improvements, or testing services.
Communities supporting communities
- This award recognises and celebrates the achievements of a community-led group or project that has supported other individuals or groups within their community, for example running community activities, providing local facilities, environmental/gardening projects, wellbeing support etc.
Tenant team of the year – Sponsored by Fife Council
- This award recognises a team of tenants who work to ensure the voices of tenants are heard in shaping housing services or influencing their landlord’s decisions.
New Award for 2024: Communicating with Tenants and Residents
- This award recognises how effectively a social landlord and/or tenant-led group communicates with its tenants and residents using different communication methods such as video, social media, newsletters, or in-person activities.
New Award for 2024: Tenant voice
- This award will be made to a social landlord who can demonstrate that their tenants/ residents are actively supported to be engaged, involved, and empowered to influence services and decisions which affect them.
Tenant of the Year - The Alan Ferguson Award – Sponsored by Fife Council
- This award will be made to an individual tenant/resident of a social landlord who has made a significant contribution to Tenant Participation.
New Award for 2024: Engaging Tenants in environmental initiatives/projects
- This NEW award recognises a landlord, organisation or community group which has successfully engaged tenants or residents in initiatives which benefit the environment, globally or locally! Examples could include involving tenants in using low energy heating; reducing carbon footprint; tackling the climate emergency; biodiversity/nature projects or sustainable living.
New Award for 2024: Best practice in involving young people
- This NEW award will be made to a social landlord or community group who is investing in and supporting young people in their local community.
Best practice in widening engagement
- This award will be made to an individual tenant/resident, landlord or organisation investing in and supporting tenants and communities.
The winners and runners-up will be awarded their prizes by singer and TV presenter Michelle McManus at the TPAS Scotland Annual Conference, taking place at the Golden Jubilee Hotel, Clydebank on the evening of Friday 21st June.
Entry criteria and frequently asked questions are available on the National Good Practice Awards web page. Good luck to everyone who enters!