North Ayrshire Foodbank welcomes £6.5k donation from Cunninghame Housing Association
Cunninghame Housing Association has this month presented a cheque to the value of £6,509.05 to North Ayrshire Foodbank.

A total of £1,509.05 came from the Association’s staff, Healthy Working Lives Group who had collected the money by holding events during the last year. The other £5,000 was awarded by the Association’s voluntary board of management who have been very strong supporters of the Foodbank for many years.
John Kelly, chairperson of Cunninghame Housing Association, presented the cheque to Craig Crosthwaite, co-ordinator of North Ayrshire Foodbank.
Craig Crosthwaite said: “North Ayrshire Foodbank is once again grateful to Cunninghame Housing Association’s Board of Management and staff for their generosity and many blessings spread throughout our communities. As always, CHA is living up to being More than just a Landlord.”
John Kelly added: “The board of management and its staff are fully committed to giving as much as we can each year to the Foodbank. We hope that this donation will help make a difference to people over the Christmas period.”