Ore Valley Housing Association completes redevelopment of Bowhill Miners Institute

Ore Valley Housing Association has successfully redeveloped the former Bowhill Miners Institute building in Cardenden, Fife.
The historic community building opened in April 1934 and has been unused for almost thirty years. It has been carefully restored and renovated to become ten modern and energy efficient flats for much-needed social housing, returning the building to its original place at the heart of the local community.
Once the focal point for miners’ welfare activities including dances, weddings, education programmes and even sustaining industrial action, the building has been saved from demolition and reconfigured with a modern extension added to the rear to bring it back to life. This is all the more pertinent following the recently announced national housing emergency and high demand for affordable homes. These properties are being targeted towards addressing homelessness in support of Fife’s Rapid Re-housing Transition programme.

The redevelopment was not without its challenges but the delivery partners and contractors have worked tirelessly to produce beautiful homes for new tenants.
The building was formally opened on the 17th of June following an ‘open day’ in the morning where community stakeholders were invited to visit and see the completed development.