Ore Valley launches revamped website and tenant portal
Ore Valley Housing Association has updated its tenant portal and website to offer tenants a one-stop place to organise and access all tenancy related services.

CEO Andrew Saunders encourages tenants to register a My Home account
The Association’s new ‘My Home’ tenant portal has been fully integrated into an improved website and is designed to make life easier for Ore Valley tenants.
Using ‘My Home’ will allow tenants easy & secure online access to manage their tenancy, rent and repairs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Andrew Saunders, CEO of Ore Valley Housing Association, said: “The new ‘My Home’ tenant portal service is something we have been working on for several months and we hope it will benefit our tenants by allowing them to access our services 24/7.
“Following on from the introduction of free to use community computers at our office in Cardenden, ‘My Home’ builds on our commitment to digital services. This is something we will continue to develop as we listen to the feedback from our tenants as they use the system.
“The digital revolution continues to move at a fast pace, so it’s important that we don’t get left behind and that we can offer our tenants the speed and ease of access to our services that they expect. ‘My Home’ will not only improve the service for tenants by offering 24-hour access but will also reduce the amount of time our staff spend on duplicating tasks allowing us to focus on further improvement of our services.
“In addition to these benefits, the introduction, in the future, of a paper-free tenancy will limit operational and environmental costs.”
Ore Valley tenants can register for the new ‘My Home’ service on the updated website at www.orevalleyha.org.uk.