Organisation Wellbeing Leads need training and support too

Wellbeing Lead is one of those job titles (or sub-headings to a job title is more likely the case) that for many of us didn’t exist five years ago. The importance of wellbeing shot way up the agenda during the pandemic and has fortunately stayed there ever since.
The formal introduction of wellbeing to many organisations started as a reaction, a reaction to the terrible circumstances of the pandemic, when staff were facing previously unimaginable restrictions, which had a massive impact on many people’s mental health.
Such restrictions are thankfully fading into distant memory, but the realisation that workplaces play a key role in our overall sense of wellbeing has grown into a significant part of our HR and People strategies. For many smaller organisations, that usually means someone who had responsibility for HR or people issues now adding this new and hard to define dimension to their role, when a lot of organisations are still trying to work out what it means to them and how they want it to look.
If you are that person, the Wellbeing Lead, it can be a lonely and frustrating place to be. Those that take on this role are usually caring and empathetic individuals, who are invested in making their organisation a better place for their colleagues. But this can be tricky in the face of tight budgets, loosely defined terms and sometimes, managerial scepticism, along with the overall subjective nature of the word wellbeing.
Share is delighted to welcome Angela Steel, CEO of SuperWellness along to its next Wellbeing Network to discuss the role of the Wellbeing Lead.
Angela said: “Wellbeing leads play a pivotal role in shaping the future dynamic between organisations and employees in a way that will benefit both, and yet their role is often misunderstood, as is the scale of the challenges they face. Wellbeing leads often choose this path so they can make a positive difference, and in doing so, can take on a significant workload with limited support and resources.”
SuperWellness provides wellbeing support to organisations across the UK, with a particular focus on training and support for Wellbeing Leads. Angela will discuss the importance of the role, the challenges that it brings and how we can look after ourselves whilst looking after others at Share’s Wellbeing Network which takes place on 28th August, via Zoom at 10am.
Book your place at Share’s Wellbeing Network by clicking HERE.