Planners call for consistency following EU Referendum decision

Phil-Williams RTPI
Phil Williams

The planning profession will “continue to be international in its outlook” despite the decision by the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, according to the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).

The UK yesterday voted to become the first country to leave the EU since its formation.

However, Phil Williams, president of the RTPI, said the decision will not deter planners from sharing best practice in the UK and beyond.

Mr Williams said: “The planning system needs consistency to deliver the homes, jobs and the great places this country needs. Now that we have a decision, it is imperative that planners receive the resources needed to continue to work with all in the built environment sector to deliver development to enable growth and deal with the housing crisis.

“Planning is a devolved matter across the nations of the United Kingdom, each with their own planning system. It is not clear, at this stage, what impact the decision will have on planning related European Union law and directives that have been transposed into national legislation.

“Despite the referendum result to leave, the planning profession will continue to be international in its outlook. Our membership reflects this with members in over 80 countries and many based in the UK who work on projects outside of the country. RTPI Chartered Membership is a brand recognised and respected internationally. There is a long tradition of sharing best practice between professionals in the UK and Europe and the Institute will continue to disseminate this.”

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) said it will assess the short and longer term effect of the withdrawal.

RIBA president Jane Duncan said: “The RIBA is a global organisation that supports its members, validates schools of architecture and champions the importance of a quality built environment around the world. UK architecture talent is incredibly resilient and we will continue to ensure that our profession has a bright future, whatever the operating environment.

“Clearly there is uncertainty about the timescales and impact on a range of issues important to our industry including free movement in the EU for architects as well as students, trading and material sourcing, inward investment relationships, EU procurement rules and the effect on the construction sector if restrictions are placed on EU migration.

“In common with other UK businesses and organisations, the RIBA is assessing the short and longer term effect of the withdrawal on our members and the Institute and we will provide further guidance in due course.

“Most importantly, we will work with colleagues in industry and government to ensure that architects have a strong voice in the coming weeks, months and years.”

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