Plans for 68 new homes approved in East Lothian
A planning application for 68 homes at Dunbar has been given the green light by East Lothian Council.
Councillors on the local authority’s planning committee heard that the site south of Dunbar’s Brodie Road had previously been earmarked for a hotel, but this had been provided elsewhere in the town.
The application from Persimmon sought to provide 68 detached, semi-detached and terraced houses with associated access roads, parking, landscaping and a sustainable drainage system. A total of 17 houses will be affordable, with ten of these available for low cost home ownership. The overall number of houses is a reduction from 73 houses and eight flats that were originally put forward by the developer when the application was submitted.
Members unanimously approved the application with a number of conditions. These included financial contributions of £667,080 that will be put towards additional capacity and facilities at Dunbar Primary Upper and Lower Schools, provision of off-site sporting facilities, an active travel corridor from Dunbar to Musselburgh and transport improvements across the county. It was noted in the meeting that discussions are underway to enable public transport access to Brodie Road, which is not currently served.