Plans submitted for 650 homes in Armadale

AC Land Regeneration has submitted a “hybrid” planning application to West Lothian Council to fill in the existing quarry and build 650 new homes on land at Lower Bathville, Armadale.
If successful, the first stage of the proposed development involves the infilling and restoration of the existing quarry on the site to form recreational land. The existing quarry pond at the south of the quarry will be retained however, due to its ecological importance.
The second stage of the development would see the delivery of up to 650 homes, including 25% affordable housing and recreational land, the West Lothian Courier reports.
Earlier this year, public consultations on the project were held in the Armadale Partnership Centre. The key issues raised during this included: traffic, access and road safety; infrastructure (including education and healthcare provision); open space (including play park and path provision); amenity, including privacy and noise and impact on ecology.
A report prepared by the agent of AC Land Regeneration said: “The applicant has been pro-active and has engaged directly with the local community to try and understand the nature of any local concerns and what the local community would like to see.”