Podcast: Housing and Dementia with Lesley Palmer and Ashley Campbell

Lesley Palmer and Ashley Campbell
The National Housing and Dementia Forum has published a report that sets out recommendations for how the Scottish Government and partner organisations can better support people to live well with dementia. Over the past year, the Forum gathered evidence from a wide range of experts and people with lived experience of dementia.
Co-chairs Ashley Campbell, policy and practice manager at CIH Scotland, and Lesley Palmer, chief architect of the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) at the University of Stirling, speak to Jimmy Black and Kieran Findlay about their findings and why it is so important that any future dementia strategy considers the role of housing and planning.
Lesley highlights the Environments for Ageing and Dementia Design Assessment Tool and Ashley makes a pitch for organisations to sign up to the Housing and Dementia Framework.
Jimmy Black has written a blog to accompany the episode, here.
You can find the Forum’s report here and information about EADDAT here. A discussion paper has been developed by the Scottish Government to help people respond to a National Conversation on the future of dementia policy in Scotland. Find out more here. The Housing and Dementia Framework is available here.
All episodes of the Scottish Housing News Podcast are available here as well as on the following platforms: