Podcast: Housing Bill part 4: An interview with housing minister Paul McLennan

Podcast: Housing Bill part 4: An interview with housing minister Paul McLennan

Housing minister Paul McLennan

Jimmy Black and Kieran Findlay conclude their series on the Scottish Government’s new Housing Bill with an interview with the minister responsible for bringing the legislation through Parliament, housing minister Paul McLennan.

The wide-ranging discussion centred on measures in the proposed legislation such as rent controls, homelessness and domestic abuse.

Mr McLennan also shared details of the first meeting of the Housing Investment Taskforce, which he described as one of many avenues the Scottish Government is looking to boost housebuilding.

The minister also said he intends to share details on an action plan to tackle Scotland’s housing emergency over the next few days after a Housing to 2040 strategy group meeting took place last week.

A transcript of this episode is available here.

Jimmy Black has written a blog to accompany this episode here.

Catch up with the rest of the Housing Bill series here:

For more information on SHN’s Housing & Social Care Accessibility Summit in partnership with Horizon Housing, click here.

The Scottish Housing News Podcast is co-hosted by Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black. All episodes are available here as well as on the following platforms:

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