Poverty grants now available to Midlothian community groups
Community groups, charities and social enterprises can now apply for a Midlothian Council grant of between £5,000 and £20,000 to help tackle poverty.
The deadline for completed applications is Friday 22 January.
The funding is for projects that will help address the impact of COVID-19 on local residents such as: helping cut utility bills; helping with transport costs; making sure people can access educational opportunities; making sure people can enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits of leisure, sports and arts experiences; reducing financial stress for parents; increasing opportunities for people to get more qualifications; making sure more people know how to claim benefits to which they are entitled; maximising income for local residents, and reducing health and wellbeing inequalities.
Funding is available from 1 April 2021 and projects must be completed by 31 March 2022.