Proactive telecare expected to reduce emergency calls to Bield
An innovative pilot project is being launched in two Scottish areas that aims to help older people live independent lives and to better engage with groups and services in their communities.

Gary Baillie
The collaborative initiative is led by the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care Programme and involves three telecare service providers in Scotland.
One of the providers, Bield has launched its trial project, which has been named ‘Inspire’, with the fundamental principle to alert the BR24 alarm receiving centre to issues before they become an emergency.
The first part of the trial will be working in partnership with Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership, and Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership.
During the trial of Inspire, 50 customers using the BR24 service in both Midlothian and Inverclyde will be called per week for up to 45 mins to try out the preventative approach.
Bield hopes the Inspire Project will help its customers live more independently, while empowering people to build connections in their local communities via referral routes and support.
The BR24 service is connected to more than 40,000 individual alarms across the country, providing a 24 hour ‘peace-of-mind service for on-call care and support to both its customers as well as dozens of other housing organisations and bodies across Scotland.
Inspire will take an asset-based approach - focusing on the positives and what is possible for the customers and understanding what matters to them.
The service aims to help reduce the barriers to participation and engagement, and looks to support customers to understand and be aware of how they can connect with the wider community.
Gary Baillie, project manager of the Inspire Project at Bield, said: “Inspire will help us further advance and streamline our already functioning BR24 service.
“We hope the trial will develop the service offering whilst reducing the number of situations that result in emergencies and if identified sooner could have had a different outcome.
“This really is an exciting time for us at Bield. After successfully transitioning through a test of change with analogue to digital with TEC Scotland and two of our Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCP), we enter our next partnership to further test the possibilities for housing and care in this ever changing world.”
Bield and the HSCP involved are interested in finding out what impact the trial will have on the overall success of the service.
The team of call handlers will undergo specific training workshops focused on what constitutes as a good conversation and positive outcomes which will help pull out items of importance to customers. It will also allow the operator to measure and record outputs whilst exploring the potential possibilities for support and referrals.
Inspire will be delivered for six months to test the service model and explore the possibilities for the future.