Progress continues to be made at Saltgreens Care Home

A follow up inspection at Saltgreens in Eyemouth has confirmed that progress continues to be made at the home, with the Inspectors reporting that extensive work has been undertaken since their initial visit in August 2022.
The Care Inspectorate returned to the care home in November when they found that a number of improvements had been made across a range of issues including staff morale and training, quality and increased frequency in supervisions, service user experience, consultation and involvement, more detailed support plans and recordings and provision of meaningful activity.
They also reported an increased confidence in the management and leadership which had been introduced to support the service, as well as acknowledging the work of the Adult Social Care Learning and Development team. Among the improvements they had made were the development of a number of new processes and tools used to monitor staff practice such as supervision templates and competency observational tools.
Of the requirements identified at the initial inspection, Inspectors confirmed that one has now been met. In recognition of the range of challenges being experienced by the home generally such as recruitment of staff, they have extended the timeframe for the remaining four to be completed until 31 January 2023.
The Adult Social Care senior management team will continue to work closely with the Saltgreens staff team on their action plan as well as undertaking regular, ongoing monitoring to ensure that the outstanding requirements are met within these timescales.
Councillor David Parker, executive member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “This latest report from the Care Inspectorate provides clear evidence that all the measures that have been put in place to support the staff team at Saltgreens are beginning to have the required effect.
“Implementation of the action plan remains a high priority and we continue to be fully committed to doing all we can to improve the service being provided at the home.
“We trust that residents, family carers or staff are reassured by the changes being made, but if they would like more information, we would ask that they speak with the care home manager or a member of the senior management team who will be pleased to answer their queries.”