Prospect committee member recognised at 2019 Housing Hero Awards
The Chartered Institute of Housing’s 2019 Housing Hero Awards celebrate all the unsung heroes within the UK housing sector that make housing great.

Sheila Bunt with director Brendan Fowler
This year, Prospect’s committee member and tenant, Sheila Bunt, was recognised as Highly Commended within the Tenant Lifetime Achievement Category.
Sheila helped set up Wester Hailes Housing Association in 1988 with no assets and no previous experience in housing. She was and remains, an unpaid volunteer. 31 years later. Sheila has always genuinely wanted to make a difference.
As an outstanding leader and excellent role model she has achieved this, whilst continuing to be the heart and soul of Prospect. What makes Sheila stand out is that she has consistently delivered this role within the area for 31 years. This length of service and her energy to continue to demand high standards of the organisation makes her contribution exceptional. The difference she has made to the physical landscape and thousands of people’s lives in this community over the last 31 years is significant.
On a sector wide basis, Sheila’s contribution is a great example of the positive contributions of the community based housing association movement. She has ensured that Prospect continued to prosper within the changing housing landscape whilst retaining a community ethos.
Prospect staff and committee joined with director Brendan Fowler in congratulating Sheila on this achievement, at a recent committee meeting.