£14m available for energy-focused charities and community groups

Organisations have been invited to apply for funding in the latest round of the Ofgem Redress Scheme to help people with energy advice and decarbonisation projects.
Today the Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme (Energy Redress Scheme) opens for its sixth funding round.
A total of £14 million is available for charities and community energy groups – including community interest companies, co-operative societies and community benefit societies - to apply for grants through four funding streams.
Projects will be considered that focus on supporting households most at risk from cold homes and high energy bills, the development of innovative products and services related to domestic energy use, or carbon emissions reduction projects, across England, Scotland and Wales.
From February 2018 to March 2023, the Energy Redress Scheme has funded more than 524 projects across England, Scotland and Wales and awarded £95 million in funding. The projects have included research aimed at making sure that the needs of elderly people and disabled people are met by new energy technologies. Projects have also focused on digital media to engage hard-to-reach audiences with energy issues and share the best support that is available to them.
Graham Ayling, senior project manager for the Energy Redress Scheme, said: “With winter approaching, the voluntary sector provides a vital safety net for people who are struggling to stay warm in their homes. We hope that this new funding will be a much needed boost for the sector at this crucial time. The funding will also support projects focused on delivering net zero, making sure that everyone benefits in the transition.”
To apply, organisations need to be pre-registered by visiting the Energy Redress registration page.
Organisations that haven’t yet registered with the scheme must do so 10 working days before the relevant Fund closes to allow time for eligibility checks to take place.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 14 November 2023.