Quality of homes key to satisfaction, SHR report finds
Tenant satisfaction is closely linked to the quality of homes, speed of emergency repairs, and affordability, according to a new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).
The body’s National Panel of Tenants and Service Users were asked to contribute their views through surveys and discussion groups, which around 260 people did.
Feedback from the panel, which was set up in early 2013, informs the Regulator on issues including tenant rent consultation, repairs, customer services standards, Gypsy/Traveller rents, and fees and services for factored owners.
Membership of the panel is open to all social housing tenants or service users and has steadily grown over the past two years.
Nearly half of members questioned this year had seen information from the SHR on their landlord’s performance over the past year, and a large majority said they found SHR’s Landlord Reports to be useful.
The research included in-depth discussions to seek feedback from almost 50 Gypsy/Travellers living on social landlord sites. This found mixed views and differing levels of awareness of service standards and landlord performance reporting.
Iain Muirhead, the Regulator’s director of strategy and communications, said: “The National Panel has given us valuable feedback on individuals’ experiences and priorities. These insights will help bring tenant and service user views into our thematic inquiries.
“The report also helps us develop our thinking on how we communicate with tenants, particularly around Charter reporting. It is very encouraging that almost half of Panel members had seen our landlord report in its first year. We want to share the Panel’s report and encourage others to use the findings to inform their own work.”
You can read the report of the panel’s findings here.