Queens Cross Housing Association keeps repairs service local

Local contractor WrightKerr All Trades Ltd has successfully tendered to deliver Queens Cross Housing Association’s housing repairs service.
The contractor will carry out emergency and non-emergency plumbing, electrical, joinery and general building and roof repair on Queens Cross’ 4500 homes in the north west of Glasgow. Last year the Association carried out around 12,000 repairs for tenants.
Shona Stephen, chief executive of Queens Cross, said: “There are a number of challenges facing the construction industry at the moment, skill shortages and inflationary pressure driving the cost of materials up, are just two of them. We look forward to working closely with our new contractor to meet these challenges and deliver a better repairs service for our tenants,.”
“The repairs service is one of our most important and I’m delighted that we will be working with a local company to deliver them as effectively and efficiently as possible.”
The following video details the successful tender:
In partnership with its new contractor Queens Cross expects to see a number of customer service improvements including repairs appointment slots, real-time tracking of repairs, improved out-of-hours and emergency response and faster turnaround of void properties.
Gavin Friels, head of operations, added: “This is the largest contract we’ve ever been awarded so we are really looking forward to working with Queens Cross to show them what we can do and deliver quality, prompt work for tenants.”
The contract will bring wider benefits to the local community through agreed local employment and apprenticeship targets.
Shona Stephen concluded: “As well as new partnership with WrightKerr we are also expanding our QC Direct Repairs team to deliver more maintenance services in-house. With these changes combined customers can expect to see better standards of service rolled out across the area in the coming year.”
The three year contract is worth around £2.5 million per year for the contractor.