Queens Cross reassures EU tenants over Brexit
Tenants of Queens Cross Housing Association affected by plans for the UK to leave the EU will be reassured at a special drop-in-session to explain the legalities of their post Brexit status.
According to latest census figures there are 209,000 EU citizens living in Scotland almost 4% of the total population.

Event organiser Joanna Peters is ready to welcome tenants to Queens Cross’s Brexit event
Queens Cross currently has 250 households with tenants from other non UK European Union countries, mainly Irish and Polish, but also from Latvia, Hungary and Romania.
“The uncertainty around the UK leaving the European Union is understandably very stressful for our tenants who are affected by this,” said Queens Cross chief executive, Shona Stephen.
“The confusion around the process of leaving is doing little to reassure them about what will happen when the UK eventually does leave. We feel as a responsible landlord we want to provide information and support to our tenants.”
EU citizens currently living in the UK will have to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by June 30, 2021 if they want to keep living in the UK after this date. To be eligible to apply they will need to show they are resident in the UK by December next year.
Queens Cross will have legal advisers on hand to advise EU tenants and answer their questions about how Brexit is likely to impact on their rights to live and work in Scotland.
“I would urge anyone who is feeling insecure about what will happen to their tenancy post Brexit to come along. Our advisors will be able to answer all your questions and give you the reassurance you need that Queens Cross will still be your home and that you are still very much welcome in the city,” added event organiser, Joanna Peters.
The event takes place in The Courtyard, 2 Westercommon Drive, 3.30-5.30pm.
More information for EU nationals living in Scotland can be found on the Scottish Government’s website.