Queen’s Park residents buzzing thanks to GHA partnership
Tenants at a Queen’s Park sheltered housing complex are enjoying the buzz created by a brand new wildlife project.
Thanks to funding from GHA’s Better Lives fund, two beehives – containing around 40,000 bees – have been built at Crosshill Avenue sheltered complex.
An unused piece of land at the complex has also been upgraded.
Staff from Scotland’s largest social housing landlord teamed up with Motherwell-based eco-innovations business, Plan Bee, to set up the hives.
The project is set to help with pollination of flowers at the complex, as well as providing residents with a treat – as each hive is expected to produce 24 jars of honey each year.
And tenants of the complex are welcoming the sweet deal, as the money raised from the honey will go to the tenants’ gardening fund.
Frances Boyle, who lives at the complex, said: “I feel it’s absolutely brilliant, especially at a time when we’re talking about flowers and bees and how important they are.”
Fellow resident, Mary Wood, added: “I think it’s very good for the environment and to increase the bee population. Also, I’m looking forward to some honey.”
GHA chair Gordon Sloan said: “We have worked with Plan Bee on a few projects, to the benefit of the surrounding environment and our tenants – and these new beehives will be no exception.
“Our sheltered housing tenants enjoy spending time in their gardens, and Crosshill Avenue will flourish thanks to the activity of the bees themselves, as well as the money raised for their gardening fund from selling the honey produced.”
Plan Bee CEO and founder, Warren Bader, said: “Glasgow has been very kind to Plan Bee. From the rooftop of the stunning City Chambers to the iconic Battlefield Rest restaurant, supporters of the honeybee are many and varied.
“We are delighted that the company managing one of the UK’s largest housing stocks has given our bees a home at its Queen’s Park sheltered complex. This project will define them as one of the most environmentally aware organisations in the country, and one that others can aspire to.”