Rapid rehousing transition plan agreed in East Ayrshire
East Ayrshire Council has agreed a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan for the region which will now be submitted to the Scottish Government.

Councillor Elena Whitham
Local authorities across Scotland are working to eradicate homelessness by transforming Housing services and adopting a Housing First and Rapid Rehousing approach.
In 2017, the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) was formed to find solutions to short and long term solutions to end homelessness and rough sleeping and transform the use of temporary accommodation in Scotland.
A key recommendation of this group was for local authorities to transition to a Housing First and Rapid Rehousing approach, developing a five-year plan to ensure that progress is made as quickly as possible.
Councillor Elena Whitham, cabinet member for housing and communities, said: “The actions within our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan are based on early intervention and prevention, improved outcomes and reducing demand on professionally-led services. It also supports the strategic priorities of social isolation and loneliness, reducing poverty and homelessness and building connected, resilient communities.
“Our strategy, which will be reviewed annually as part of our Strategic Housing Investment Plan, aims to end homelessness by tackling current, health, wellbeing and other inequalities by working with key partners, focusing on those with multiple complex needs.
“There is a strong link between health and homelessness; chronic medical conditions including mental health problems are more prevalent amongst homeless people than the wider population. By recognising this, we can work collaboratively to eradicate homelessness in East Ayrshire.”