Redundant public sector site redeveloped into affordable homes for Perth
A former UK government building in Perth is being transformed with 62 new homes in a bid to tackle the local affordable housing shortage.
Perth and Kinross Council has teamed up with Hillcrest Housing Association to redevelop land previously owned by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Vacant land and property across Scotland which was previously in public sector ownership is being used to add to the provision of affordable housing across Scotland.
During a visit to the site in Jeanfield Road, Perth, housing minister Margaret Burgess said: “Housing is, and will remain, at the heart of this government’s ambitions to create a fairer and more prosperous country.
“The redevelopment of this previously redundant public-sector site in Perth is an excellent example of what can be realised when partners share a vision of what can be achieved for the benefit of the local community.
“The Scottish Government is working with a range of partners to identify vacant land and property across Scotland that is being used to add to the provision of affordable housing across the country.
“We have already met and exceeded our current five-year target to deliver 30,000 affordable homes, including 20,000 social homes for rent.”
David Zwirlein, Hillcrest Housing Association director of development and new business, added: “In addition to Hillcrest’s 16 flats for social rent, our mid-market provider Northern Housing Company has delivered a further 16 properties. We take pride in delivering a range of tenures in affordable housing. Mid-market rent offers people who would not qualify for social rent the opportunity to access good quality affordable housing through this popular tenure.
“Jeanfield is an excellent example of how effective partnership working between public and private sectors remains vital to the delivery of affordable housing. The development could not have been a success without the multi-partner approach. Delivering a mixed tenure development for a number of housing providers can often be complicated but we were delighted with everyone’s innovative and flexible approach.”