Regulator establishes landlord groups to encourage regular dialogue with RSLs

George Walker
The Scottish Housing Regulator has established two groups to act as standing forums of senior people from Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) to discuss regularly with it important issues in social housing in Scotland.
The Regulator invited senior officers of all RSLs to express an interest in joining a group, and more than seventy did so. It had initially planned on creating one group, but given the level of interest from landlords, the Regulator has decided to establish two groups: one with a specific rural and island focus; and, one for landlords operating principally in urban areas.
In addition to establishing these two groups, the Regulator will reconvene a forum for systemically important landlords.
George Walker, the Regulator’s chair, welcomed the level of interest from landlords and commented: “I strongly believe that it is important for a regulator to engage regularly with its stakeholders, and particularly those it regulates. In this way a regulator is best placed to understand the challenges faced by, and the concerns of, the regulated bodies. This is especially vital in times of disruption, challenge, and volatility, such as the period in which we are all currently working. So, I am delighted that so many senior people from social landlords have volunteered to work with us in these important groups.”
Participants in the groups were selected to represent the range of RSLs from across Scotland, and the membership of each group will be refreshed after a reasonable period of time. Taken together, the three groups mean that the Regulator will have regular dialogue with around forty-five RSLs. These groups will supplement the engagement the Regulator already has with landlord representative bodies, including through its participation in the landlord forums organised by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.
Participants in each of the newly established groups include:
Rural & Island Group
- Michelle Meldrum - Berwishire Housing Association
- Fanchea Kelly - Blackwood Homes and Care
- Neil Clapperton - Buidheann Tigheadas Loch Aillse agus an Eilein Sgìtheanaich
- Nile Istephan - Elidon Housing Association
- Iona MacPhail - Fyne Homes
- Bryan Leask - Hjaltland Housing Association
- Margaret Moynihan - Lochaber Housing Association
- Lorraine Usher - Loreburn Housing Association
- Craig Spence - Orkney Housing Association
- Stacy Angus - Osprey Housing
- Donna Birrell - Rural Stirling Housing Association
Urban Group
- John Davidson - Almond Housing Association
- Gail Robertson - Angus Housing Association
- Lorna Wilson - Barrhead Housing Association
- Nicki Donaldson - Fife Housing Group
- Heather Kiteley - Harbour Homes Scotland (formerly Port of Leith HA)
- Irene McFarlane - Linthouse Housing Association
- Susan Bell - Muirhouse Housing Association
- Brian Fowler - Prospect Housing Association
- Shona Stephen - Queens Cross Housing Association
- Martin Nadin - Scottish Veterans Residences
- Tony Teasdale - Shettleston Housing Association
- Jim Munro - Shire Housing Association
- Rhona McLeod - Trust Housing Association